Catawiki – Explore behaviours to improve the online auction experience

Catawiki – Explore behaviours to improve the online auction experience

The case study describes the role of UtLab in supporting Catawiki, a leading company in the online auction sector for the purchase and sale of collectibles, in an exploratory research conducted in the second half of 2023.

The key objective that guided the research was to understand in depth how new items are discovered on online auction sites, with a particular focus on the paths chosen and the features used.

After an initial scenario analysis through desk research of national and international competitors, 12 carefully profiled people were involved in a 15-day data collection through diaries, recording and reporting information, thoughts, and experiences regarding their searches on online auctions, selected from the data collected with desk research. The contributions sent daily by the participants made it possible to obtain information closely linked to the context of use, reconstructing habits, usage scenarios, attitudes, and motivations.

In the following phase, follow-up interviews were carried out, to deepen, confirm and integrate the data emerging during the diaries.

The analysis of the data collected with the diaries and interviews has made it possible to identify the most effective and easiest discovery paths for the participants and has given Catawiki a deep understanding of people’s behaviour and preferences regarding online auctions.

About Catawiki

Catawiki is the most-visited curated marketplace in Europe for special objects, offering over 65,000 objects for auction each week. Our mission is to provide an exciting and seamless experience to our customers for buying and selling special, hard-to-find objects.

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Catawiki – Explore behaviours to improve the online auction experience